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Car Rims

Powder coating specialist 

Prestige wheels carlisle what we do?

The first stage of the alloy wheel refurbishment process is to check the wheels for flat spots, buckles or cracks. On inspection, if there is a buckle, flat spot or crack present in the wheel you will receive a video detailing the imperfection. If the buckle can be safely removed and/or the crack can be welded, this is something we also do  at an additional cost. Both before and after videos can be provided on request.


When tyres are present, we will safely remove the tyres from the wheels. Tyres are individually labelled with the customer information. Tyres are inspected and if there are any issues, you will be informed at the earliest opportunity. If requested by the customer, we can label the tyre with the tyre positioning of where it was situated on the vehicle. We remove old balancing weights along with any left over adhesive residue. Valves, centre caps and any decals are also removed.


The wheels are completely submerged in a chemical stripping tank which removes all the paint from the wheel. After the wheels are stripped of the paint they are washed to decontaminate the wheel. They are then visually inspected again to check for any cracks that may have been hard to see whilst there was paint on the wheel. Again, on inspection if there is a crack present in the wheel you will receive a video detailing the imperfection.


All kerbing is addressed. Any kerb damage that is too deep to be machined out will require welding to rebulld the surface of the alloy. 

The wheels are then gently shot blasted in our automatic shot blaster. This removes any remaining paint/debris on the surface of the wheel whilst also cleaning the surface. Please note that we shot blast the whole wheel; not just the face. Shot blasting also keys the surface of the wheel which creates the best possible surface for the painting process.


The wheels ready for painting.

The majority of the colours we use (not all) require us to follow a ‘three coat system’ (but this is dependant on the colour you choose). Firstly the wheel (in its entirety) will be powder coated with a primer. Once primered, the wheel is placed in our oven to cure.

Once cured,  the face of the wheel is then wet sprayed the colour of your choice. Once wet sprayed 

then powder coat acrylic lacquered; acrylic lacquer is the best lacquer on the market and also the most durable. Once the wheel has cured, we visually inspect the wheel to ensure it meets our high standards. We then carefully refit your tyres (dependant on which service you have chosen) and balance all four wheels. The wheels that have been painted in dark colours will be balanced with black balancing weights; the wheels which have been painted with lighter colours will be balanced with grey balancing weights.

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